The high school here in Taiwan is consists of three years, so I can attend different after school groups each year, therefore I have joint different groups, and also gained lost of experiences. I have joint the bartender, movie appreication, and bedminton. There many groups for us to join in. I was attracted by bartendering group. I have learned various kind of wines and soft drinks, and the things needed for the cocktail and soon we begin to learn how to mix for cocktail. To make the right drinks, the ratio must be right, and this is not for the careless mind. There is also another activity that I was impressed the most, it's called "Hunger 30". I have no idea what is it about at first and it's purpose, I have joint it after fully understand what is it about. During the activitiy, our school plays various of short film and photos about Africa, and I was so touched, and the fee to join was donated to The World Vision. Thought we can't go there personally, but it is quite meaningful by the donation we made, and I truely thought it is a meaningful activity, as we know by join it personally.

王芝彥乙孫株假釣 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


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王芝彥乙孫株假釣 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

熱帶水果檸檬果茶。 炎炎夏日,清涼冷飲最是消暑,不過喝多含糖高的市售飲料,有發胖疑慮,不妨自己在家DIY茶飲,美味又健康,今特邀專家示範簡易版果茶,果凍也能當素材,保證立即上手。

王芝彥乙孫株假釣 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The high school here in Taiwan is consists of three years, so I can attend different after school groups each year, therefore I have joint different groups, and also gained lost of experiences. I have joint the bartender, movie appreication, and bedminton. There many groups for us to join in. I was attracted by bartendering group. I have learned various kind of wines and soft drinks, and the things needed for the cocktail and soon we begin to learn how to mix for cocktail. To make the right drinks, the ratio must be right, and this is not for the careless mind.

王芝彥乙孫株假釣 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


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